Tag: Twitter

  • Popular Twitter Accounts in Nepal

    Here is a post specifically for Twitter users in Nepal. As Twitter continues to gain popularity and new users join this social media platform, it starts with how to use it and whom to follow. Below is a result of little ‘experiment’ I did with some Twitter Tools in order to get popular Twitter accounts…

  • Infographics: 60 seconds in Social Media

    60 seconds may not be enough even to enjoy a cup of coffee for a person in real world, but that is a lot of time in the social media world. Consider this for what happens every minute (60 seconds) in the social networking sites: Facebook: 700K messages sent YouTube: 2 million videos viewed Twitter:…

  • World of Social Media (Video)

    Here is an interesting video on YouTube that shows the boom in social media in 2011. As we approach 2012, the social media are likely to grow even more rapidly, including the mobile social media. Some staggering data regarding social media engagement are: Facebook is the most visited website in the world 11% of the world population…

  • Social Media Basics

    What about Social Media? Social Media is the electronic technology that foster interactive communication. Essentially, social media is any internet or mobile applications that allow creation and exchange of user-generated content. Earlier forms of media were one way only that allowed companies to tell their views or information and wait for users to respond. Now,…

  • Social Media Trend

    Social Media & Sharing Trend Social media has been playing a dominant role on the web. The following is a trend of the most popular social media globally. It also presents the comparison of popularity of social media in Nepal, India and USA and globally. Social Media Global Share Global Growth USA Share India Share…